Kitt & Plast Trä

Window Putty 685

Window Putty 685 is a quick-drying, weather-resistant kit with minimal shrinkage. Used for caulking windows and repairing plaster seams. Adheres…Läs mer

Window Putty 685 is a quick-drying, weather-resistant kit with minimal shrinkage.

Used for caulking windows and repairing plaster seams.

Adheres to wood, glass, paint, PVC, galvanized iron and a number of other surfaces.

Window Putty 685 hardens via moisture from the air into an elastic mass.

The cat can be overpainted with most water-based and certain alkyl paints. The kit is UV protected.



600 mlWhite685625701159685623
290 mlWhite6852905701054018892
Dokument Broschyrer
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600 mlWhite685625701159685623
290 mlWhite6852905701054018892
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