More Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Production at Battery Manufacturer Viridus Manufacturing A/S

For the Danish battery manufacturer, Viridus Manufacturing A/S, it turned out that there were several benefits to choosing a new adhesive solution from Dana Lim. The new adhesive solution, consisting of Liquid Hybrid 272 adhesive and ProFect® 92000 hardener, is both more environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and easier to work with.

Viridus Manufacturing A/S faced the challenge of finding a new adhesive for their production of e-bike batteries. The previous adhesive solution was no longer in compliance with current EU regulations.

“Liquid Hybrid adhesive is particularly characterized by being both odor- and label-free, meaning that the use of protective equipment is completely avoided. The adhesive is also very easy to apply and dose, resulting in less waste,” says Ole Krogfelt, an expert in this field in Dana Lim’s industrial department.

Thanks to Dana Lim’s specialists in the industrial department, Viridus Manufacturing A/S has, after a testing period, found a new viable adhesive solution that meets current legal requirements and is easier to handle. The new adhesive solution consists of Liquid Hybrid 272 adhesive and ProFect® 92000 hardener.

More Streamlined Production
In the production of e-bike batteries, it is essential that the battery housing is completely sealed against moisture and other intrusion, which could otherwise damage the batteries. Epoxy or polyurethane adhesive ix often used for this purpose, making it necessary to have extraction systems connected to the production area, and the company’s employees must use protective equipment and attend a two-day training course.

With the new two-component Liquid Hybrid adhesive solution, the company no longer needs to worry about extraction systems, training, or extra protective gear. This results in Viridus Manufacturing A/S achieving a more environmentally friendly adhesive solution, which is also easier to work with and dispose of when there is leftover product. This results in overall cost savings for Viridus Manufacturing A/S and an improved working environment for the employees.

“With the environmentally friendly Liquid Hybrid adhesive from Dana Lim, the production of e-bike batteries has become more streamlined, ensuring us a more efficient production. The adhesive is easier to handle, and we no longer think about building or buying extraction systems, and our staff is happy not to have to wear protective gear when working with the adhesive,” says Claus Kaa Bach, Chief Production Officer at Viridus Manufacturing A/S, and continues:

“Dana Lim has helped us several times, and once again, we have received extremely competent advice throughout the process, from the initial contact to the finished product. Roughly three months have passed until we, in collaboration, have found the right mixing ratio and components,” says Claus Kaa Bach.

Viridus Manufacturing A/S produces in Denmark, where they manufacture custom-made lithium-ion battery solutions for e-mobility, robots, and industrial use.

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